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Angry vegans!

By wilfried. Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments »

It came to my attention that lot of girls at work (alternative medicine) truly dislike me, for my popularity with patients, and my blunt honesty….But i also realized you should not mess with vegans, especially female, because they are HUNGRY!!!
They are no longer able to take a joke, or contemplate the fact a big man like me is bringing wholesome fulfilling homemade meals, because they are craving for both:
– A real meal
– A real man
Our world is truly full of frustrations but if the path you have chosen involve some, then only you are responsible for either accepting it or changing it.
Plus frankly, a vegan who labels her or himself as a nature lover because they purchased their processed already made meal at wholefood is pure hypocrisy: if you are a true nature lover, you get out there, experience it, hike, camp, climb and will use a bicycle rather than car, just saying……
Breathe Wilf, breathe…

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5 Responses to “Angry vegans!”

  1. 1
    Mychal Says:

    How true about vegans. Plus, they are just mad because your good looking and they can’t have you. They are frustrated women, who need to “eat a little meat” every now and then.

    Alternative medicine – are you are nutritionist on the side? Just asking. I like that you answer your own blog.

  2. 2
    wilfried Says:

    I have a lot Of vegan or vegetarian friends, that ate very nice and do not intend or forcing their beliefs upon me. And I love that. It s a bit like religion: believe what you believe but do not tell me what to believe. What bothers me is hypocrisy!

  3. 3
    Kyle Says:

    WOW! What happened with the angry vegan girls at work to cause you to go off? I agree, they need a real man and some meat!
    I also think it’s pure hypocrisy when someone thinks they’re “green” because they drive a hybrid SUV!

  4. 4
    wilfried Says:

    Hey! That was just a shout out at people choosing a path just to pretend they are better than anyone else around them. I have respect for any belief that does not involve hatred, as long as it is not imposed or dictated upon me!

  5. 5
    frank Says:

    Nevertheless,people visited this webside are not vegans, lol.


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