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Who should I next shoot with???

By wilfried. Posted in Uncategorized | 44 Comments »

So many men, so little time: who do you think my next scene partner should be?

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44 Responses to “Who should I next shoot with???”

  1. 1
    Sue Says:

    Go Latin: Pedro Andreas. That would be super fucking hot!

  2. 2
    wilfried Says:

    Indeed. He is incredibly hot. Thanks for a great tip. But I do not know whether he still shoots or would be into me

  3. 3
    gpcrush Says:

    Duh, baby. You know who! Jonathan Agassi. It will be THE event on your farewell tour!! 🙂

  4. 4
    wilfried Says:

    Oh yeah. Definitely. If he makes it to the States!

  5. 5
    gpcrush Says:

    oh I’m seeing an Agassi Knight sexuation on your the European leg of the tour!!! 😉

  6. 6
    Picture it: Jonathan Agsssi & Wilfried Knight | Guiltily Pleasured Says:

    […] exploding again!!  That would be the result of said pairing!!!On his blog, Wilfried Knight asked who his next scene partner should be? While there are many hot men who I can see Wilfried nailing, there’s only ONE guy at the […]

  7. 7
    Kyle Says:

    I think you and Hugo Martin should film a scene together. And I should be there to watch! 🙂

  8. 8
    wilfried Says:

    Thanks. I will check him out!

  9. 9
    frank Says:

    Jay Roberts, filming with lucas ent. Another choice: Carlos Caballero, one of lucas’ team. Any reward for the suggestor ?

  10. 10
    wilfried Says:

    Thanks. I will check who they are indeed. Reward: seeing us doing it! That s why I ask. I wanna know who people WANT to see!

  11. 11
    leedo Says:

    hey man i sent you a message, i hope u read it!!! i think u have to go with a latino guy…though you need to have some chemistry with the guy you’re gonna shoot with! ”it always makes things much more real”

  12. 12
    wilfried Says:

    You are right. My temperament and passion suit very well a Latino partner!

  13. 13
    Sue Says:

    I sent you two messages. Please let me know if you got them and how it works out.

  14. 14
    wilfried Says:

    I only got the ones you sent two days ago on here..

  15. 15
    wilfried Says:

    Oh if you are talking about those two, well they are great suggestions and I though I replied. Sorry. Ultimately it will be up to producers and fan feedbacks and requests that will decide…

  16. 16

    hey how how you ,im pedro andrea(daniel hauschild)i talked with about you and come back to shoot again
    send meial if you want you can do this ok?
    big hug
    pedro andreas

  17. 17
    wilfried Says:

    Hey. You look amazing. I definitely would. You re versatile? Whee in the world? Argentina, Brazil? Planning on coming to USA? Are you into me?

  18. 18
    frank Says:

    Reward to watchers is a fisting scene with your friend, Mattheiu Paris. Since you have said yourself as ” a major skilled fisting top ” Share a new type of sex with fans,please. Actions bang louder than….

  19. 19
    wilfried Says:

    You are well on the spot mister. A little bit of patience and you’ll see. Thanks for raising that theme
    Yes. Action way better than just words. Oh yes!

  20. 20
    wilfried Says:

    In other words you will be rewarded with it sooner that you may have expected. Indeed after so many years there are many more fantasies to express and show on screen, and it will all come to life

  21. 21
    frank Says:

    thanks,looking forward to it.

  22. 22
    wilfried Says:

    You will love it!

  23. 23
    frank Says:

    Derk jager, take him into accounts also.

  24. 24
    frank Says:

    Excuse me , why did you delect two posts ?

  25. 25
    wilfried Says:

    Oh I did? Something must have been playing up. I do not due to outside commitment, necessarily check on this site daily. So apologies if anything may have gone unnoticed. Wilfried

  26. 26
    wilfried Says:

    No subject off limit so no reasons for anything to be deleted!

  27. 27
    frank Says:

    Let’s okay , you delected yours also , lol, just curious. All that is some informations about scenes of Dirk Jager

  28. 28
    frank Says:

    and Mattheiu Paris(included a fisting scene).Given missed that you could some stuff to cum. May I ask a Q: what ‘s pleasure of fisting or being fisted (have you ?) MR top fisting. sorry to bother you for these days.

  29. 29
    wilfried Says:

    I guess it Is its own kind of power trip, the feeling that a man gives himself up entirely, completely to you. You can get him to reach a stage of intensity in pleasure he could not get to by fucking only. There are skills to it, rythm, angle.. I hope that answers the question.

  30. 30
    Esteban Says:

    you should fuck Brent Corrigan or Paul Wagner

  31. 31
    frank Says:

    Thanks,”on the other hand”, what have u got, Mr. fisting ?

  32. 32
    wilfried Says:

    How do you mean, “what have you got?”

  33. 33
    frank Says:

    obviously,you dont get the pun or my bad in English,I mean fun,pleasure,in other words,why you(or people) have enjoyed ? It is pretty scary for me when I first time watched.Maybe is in the same mood while seeing a (slight) S&M video.Hands(more specific saying arms) dont have different states- bulged, loaded and spilt over.Stroking the strong,smooth arm with a little fur really intrigues guys,but putting it down to the body mmmh dont have that guts presently.Thanks for asking ‘n’ sharing.Also have chances to communicate with you in English.

  34. 34
    wilfried Says:

    You are very welcome. It does not define myself only in any way. Let’s just say it Is just one of my modalities. Sex is the one trip you can take for free anywhere, anytime and as long as nothing is taboo between you and your Partner and that both agree upon the path to take, there is no stopping to pleasuring body and soul. Sex should never be shameful

  35. 35
    frank Says:

    Thank you. mind ? when was your first fisting/fisted sex ?

  36. 36
    wilfried Says:

    It was private. Years ago. Regarding scenes it is soon to come. That s about how much I can say

  37. 37
    frank Says:

    Thanks for answering almost every queastions. Though still curious.This webside is a oasis of my life. Keep going. Happy New Year or Bon anniversary in French.

  38. 38
    frank Says:

    Though still curious.This webside is a oasis of my life. Keep going. Happy New Year or Bon anniversary in French.Thank you.

  39. 39
    frank Says:

    As you said but why were you paired with arpad miklos twice ? The first really sparkled me.

  40. 40
    frank Says:

    The first indeed sparkled .

  41. 41
    wilfried Says:

    Simply cos we had great chemistry. Always have, always will. He is a great looking guy, obviously, inspire male at best, and beyond that is a real funny ans smart man. We are friend also. He is worth meeting and I am glad I did. I am the one who requested him.

  42. 42
    frank Says:

    Another find:Fisting with

  43. 43
    wilfried Says:

    Have fun Frank. As said this Is not part of the lucasentertainment franchise so i will not discuss it on this site which has been kindly provided to me by them My next Lucas flick will ne shot in two weeks.

  44. 44
    frank Says:

    Now that I learn what you said in the 19th post. Congralations to all guys exploring deeper ridge with your magic hands.Sadly,you could’t and would’t talk more about it. Going,going wide(on screen). True color. Thx,brother you.


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