We need to first say that this is one of the last things we’d ever want to write. It is impossible to send this without the heavy heart of our company weighing it down. Many of us had personal relationships with Wilfried Knight and as a whole this is one of the saddest days in our office.
News came in to Lucas Entertainment on Monday morning that Wilfried had taken his own life. Yesterday we frantically scrambled to prove this wrong and sadly came up with confirmation that the worst was true.
Wilfried Knight was a very special person, a genuine, caring, smart and grounded individual whose personality even out-shined his incredible outward beauty. In the wake of this news we have to step back and look at the awful losses the industry has experienced this year. Wilfried’s passing had nothing to do with the industry but the outpouring sadness we have seen urges us to address others in need.
We all would like to consider ourselves strong people but there will always be certain things that tear us down. We have to think about what awfulness brought Wilfried to this point and fight against it. Life is guaranteed to devastate us at some point but we can’t and shouldn’t cause others who care about us to go through such pain. The domino effect has to end and although we are far from perfect we open our ears and hearts to whoever needs to talk.
Wilfried we love you dearly and hope you are slumbering in peace with your husband.
-Lucas Entertainment

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March 12th, 2013 at 4:00 pm
R.I.P … Very sad
March 12th, 2013 at 6:20 pm
OMG ! this is very sad..I do not know what to say..I am very sad :/ Wilfried was my favorite actor,he has a very sad story.I can not believe..I wish I could give a hug to Wilfried. I love you man. –
a fan in Brazil .
March 13th, 2013 at 1:32 am
I read what happened to his husband and I couldn’t believe it – that was such a sad story. And to hear Wilfried followed his partner is even more tragic! 🙁
I hope they are both in a happier place now.
March 16th, 2013 at 5:57 am
Still can’t believe it. Such a sad story. RIP Wilfreid & Jerry. We will always love you and miss you.