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A great American Tour on the way!

By wilfried. Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments »

Finally reaching my second graduation after 3 years, i will be taking a major time off “thinking” and just let it all go, hitting San Diego, San Francisco, Puerto Rico and ultimately, Miami for New Year’s eve. If you spot me, please feel free to come and say hi, i always am happy to meet any of you.
It has been a fabulous year for which i have to thank all my fans. I am always grateful for the place i still have in this industry, as i truly thought i would never still be around after 7 years!
More to come with a great movie to be shot in January in NYC, with a plot to kill for (literally), thanks to Nate at Lucasentertainment. Mr Pam shall once again bring out the dirtiest out of us all!
For those who already have asked, i do not know yet who i will be paired with, and am myself waiting patiently to know.
Watch this space!

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