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“Assassin” wrapped up!

By wilfried. Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »

What a great way to bid farewell to Lucasentertainment!
I cannot wait to see the finished product of what is probably going to be the movie of the Year!

As for myself, i am planning my last public appearance to be at the Chicago Grabbys 2011, hoping for maybe one little nomination?

Even if not, it is one party not to be missed just to see Chichi at her best!

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4 Responses to ““Assassin” wrapped up!”

  1. 1
    mark Says:

    Hey Wilfried, my man. Hope this film sees you at your kinkiest…….I dream….:))

  2. 2
    Kyle Says:

    Congratulations Wilfried! Can you give us any spoilers about your co-stars? Looking forward to seeing the film!

  3. 3
    wilfried Says:

    My partner on the scene is Drew Cutler. Very hot and raw, masculine man. I do hope the scene will look just as good as it felt

  4. 4
    Dennis Says:

    You are one of my favorites – can’t wait to see this!


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